
public class Agreements : UserAgreementsAPI

Agreement related APIs that give you information about the status of this user’s agreements acceptance.

Agreements consists of terms and conditions and privacy policies. Acccepting agreements means the user has accepted all the agreements fetchable via IdentityManager.fetchAgreements(...)

  • Check if the latest terms & conditions agreements were accepted by the current user.

    Since new terms and conditions may be issued at any time, you should call this method at the app’s startup to check that the logged in user (if any) you have obtained from an instance of IdentityManager has accepted the latest terms. If the result provided from the completion callback is false, you should then obtain the latest terms by calling IdentityManager.fetchTerms(:) and present a screen where the user can review and accept the updated terms.

    The recommended way of presenting the terms acceptance screen is by using the provided UI flows, thus by callingIdentityUI.presentTerms(for:from:). If you are using the headless approach instead, you should then present your own UI and manually call accept(:), if the user accepted the new terms, or User.logout(), if the user rejected them.



    public func status(completion: @escaping BoolResultCallback) -> TaskHandle



    a callback that receives the status or an error.

  • Accept the latest terms & conditions agreements on behalf of the current user.

    If you use the recommended way of presenting the screen to accept the terms, i.e. if you the UI flows provided by IdentityUI, then you should not call this method manually, as it will be automatically called for you when the user accepts the new terms. You should only use this method if you are following the headless approach and implementing your own UI.



    public func accept(completion: @escaping NoValueCallback) -> TaskHandle



    a callback that’s called on completion and might receive an error.