
public class IdentityUI

This is the main IdentityUI object that can be used to create a user object via a UI flow.

There are two ways to start a login process, you can either start the flow from the beginning which will be presented on a provided UIViewController, or you can provide an IdentityUI.Route that is generally used to continue a flow from the deep link.

  • Errors thrown when setting up IdentityUI.

    See more



    public enum Error : Swift.Error
  • Declaration


    public weak var delegate: IdentityUIDelegate?
  • Declaration


    public let configuration: IdentityUIConfiguration
  • Declaration


    @available(*, deprecated, message: "This is going to be removed in the next version. Using it encourages bugs. It is advised to not mix headless and visual login")
    public var identityManager: IdentityManager { get }
  • Present a screen where the user can review and accept updated terms and conditions.

    In order to comply with privacy regulations, you need to make sure that the user accepts any update to terms and conditions that may have been issued since the last visit. For this reason, at the startup of your app, right after having obtained the IdentityManager.currentUser and verified the login status, if the user is logged-in you should call user.agreements.status(:) and, in case of false result (meaning the user has yet to accepted the latest terms), obtain the latest terms by calling IdentityManager.fetchTerms(:) and finally call this method to present the updated terms. If the user fails to accept the terms, a logout will automatically be forced.


    IdentityUI.Error.mismatchingClientConfiguration if the client configuration owned by the given User instance is not the same as the one owned by the given UI configuration.



    public static func presentTerms(_ terms: Terms, for user: User, from viewController: UIViewController, configuration: IdentityUIConfiguration) throws
  • Creates an IdentityUI object



    public init(configuration: IdentityUIConfiguration)
  • Creates an IdentityUI object with a provided identityManager. This is deprecated.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Passing in an identityManager to identityUI is not recommended as the IdentityUI does not control delegate calls to IdentityManager or it's internal User. This results in state overlap between the external IdentityManager and the IdentityUI")
    public init(configuration: IdentityUIConfiguration, identityManager: IdentityManager)
  • Starts the login process

    Even though multiple IdentityUI instances can be constructed, usually only one identity process should be started at a time. An exception to this is when the identity process is started as a result of a universal (i.e. deep) link, since in that case it is possible (and somewhat likely) that an existing identity process was already in place when the user tapped on a universal links leading her back to the identity process; in that case, calling presentIdentityProcess(from:) on an instance of IdentityUI initialized with a route (e.g. with init(configuration:route:)) will automatically handle the case of an existing identity process (if any) for you.



    public func presentIdentityProcess(
        from viewController: UIViewController,
        loginMethod: LoginMethod,
        localizedTeaserText: String? = nil,
        scopes: [String] = []



    which view controller to present the login UI from


    which login method to use


    an optional text that will be displayed above the identifier text field in the login screen (may be used to provide the user with some context about the login). Text longer than three lines will be truncated with ellipsis. Note that you should supply a localized text.


    which scopes you want your logged in user to have accesst to. See IdentityManager for more details

  • Starts the login process from a route

    Even though multiple IdentityUI instances can be constructed, usually only one identity process should be started at a time. An exception to this is when the identity process is started as a result of a universal (i.e. deep) link, since in that case it is possible (and somewhat likely) that an existing identity process was already in place when the user tapped on a universal links leading her back to the identity process; in that case, calling presentIdentityProcess(from:) on an instance of IdentityUI initialized with a route (e.g. with init(configuration:route:)) will automatically handle the case of an existing identity process (if any) for you.

    See also




    public func presentIdentityProcess(from viewController: UIViewController, route: Route)



    which view controller to present the login UI from


    a parsed IdentityUI.Route object

  • Route to a specific screen in the identity UI flow. A route is typically constructed in order to handle a universal (i.e. deep) link URL so that the identity process can then be presented by going directly to the screen corresponding to the URL.

    See more



    public enum Route