
Type Definitions


Name Type Attributes Description
state string

An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. It's also recommended to prevent CSRF

acrValues string <optional>

Authentication Context Class Reference Values. If omitted, the user will be asked to authenticate using username+password. For 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) possible values are sms, otp (one time password), password (will force password confirmation, even if user is already logged in), eid. Those values might be mixed as space-separated string. To make sure that user has authenticated with 2FA you need to verify AMR (Authentication Methods References) claim in ID token. Might also be used to ensure additional acr (sms, otp) for already logged in users. Supported value is also 'otp-email' means one time password using email.

scope string <optional>

The OAuth scopes for the tokens. This is a list of scopes, separated by space. If the list of scopes contains openid, the generated tokens includes the id token which can be useful for getting information about the user. Omitting scope is allowed, while invalid_scope is returned when the client asks for a scope you aren’t allowed to request.

redirectUri string <optional>

Redirect uri that will receive the code. Must exactly match a redirectUri from your client in self-service

preferPopup boolean <optional>

Should we try to open a popup window?

loginHint string <optional>

user email or UUID hint

tag string <optional>

Pulse tag

teaser string <optional>

Teaser slug. Teaser with given slug will be displayed in place of default teaser

maxAge number | string <optional>

Specifies the allowable elapsed time in seconds since the last time the End-User was actively authenticated. If last authentication time is more than maxAge seconds in the past, re-authentication will be required. See the OpenID Connect spec section for more information

locale string <optional>

Optional parameter to overwrite client locale setting. New flows supports nb_NO, fi_FI, sv_SE, en_US

oneStepLogin boolean <optional>

display username and password on one screen

prompt string <optional>

String that specifies whether the Authorization Server prompts the End-User for reauthentication or confirm account screen. Supported values: select_account or login

  • object


Name Type Attributes Description
state string | function

An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. It's also recommended to prevent CSRF

acrValues string <optional>

Authentication Context Class Reference Values. If omitted, the user will be asked to authenticate using username+password. For 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) possible values are sms, otp (one time password) and password (will force password confirmation, even if user is already logged in). Those values might be mixed as space-separated string. To make sure that user has authenticated with 2FA you need to verify AMR (Authentication Methods References) claim in ID token. Might also be used to ensure additional acr (sms, otp) for already logged in users. Supported value is also 'otp-email' means one time password using email.

scope string <optional>

The OAuth scopes for the tokens. This is a list of scopes, separated by space. If the list of scopes contains openid, the generated tokens includes the id token which can be useful for getting information about the user. Omitting scope is allowed, while invalid_scope is returned when the client asks for a scope you aren’t allowed to request.

redirectUri string <optional>

Redirect uri that will receive the code. Must exactly match a redirectUri from your client in self-service

preferPopup boolean <optional>

Should we try to open a popup window?

loginHint string <optional>

user email or UUID hint

tag string <optional>

Pulse tag

teaser string <optional>

Teaser slug. Teaser with given slug will be displayed in place of default teaser

maxAge number | string <optional>

Specifies the allowable elapsed time in seconds since the last time the End-User was actively authenticated. If last authentication time is more than maxAge seconds in the past, re-authentication will be required. See the OpenID Connect spec section for more information

locale string <optional>

Optional parameter to overwrite client locale setting. New flows supports nb_NO, fi_FI, sv_SE, en_US

oneStepLogin boolean <optional>

display username and password on one screen

prompt string <optional>

String that specifies whether the Authorization Server prompts the End-User for reauthentication or confirm account screen. Supported values: select_account or login

  • object


Name Type Description
result boolean

Is the user connected to the merchant? (it means that the merchant id is in the list of merchants listed of this user in the database)? Example: false

userStatus string

Example: 'notConnected' or 'connected'. Deprecated, use Identity.isConnected()

baseDomain string

Example: 'localhost'

id string

Example: '58eca10fdbb9f6df72c3368f'. Obsolete

userId number

Example: 37162

uuid string

Example: 'b3b23aa7-34f2-5d02-a10e-5a3455c6ab2c'

sp_id string

Example: 'eyJjbGllbnRfaWQ...'

expiresIn number

Example: 30 * 60 * 1000 (for 30 minutes)

serverTime number

Example: 1506285759

sig string

Example: 'NCdzXaz4ZRb7...' The sig parameter is a concatenation of an HMAC SHA-256 signature string, a dot (.) and a base64url encoded JSON object (session).

displayName string

(Only for connected users) Example: 'batman'

givenName string

(Only for connected users) Example: 'Bruce'

familyName string

(Only for connected users) Example: 'Wayne'

gender string

(Only for connected users) Example: 'male', 'female', 'undisclosed'

photo string

(Only for connected users) Example: ''

tracking boolean

(Only for connected users)

clientAgreementAccepted boolean

(Only for connected users)

defaultAgreementAccepted boolean

(Only for connected users)

pairId string
sdrn string
  • object


Name Type Description
error object
Name Type Description
code number

Typically an HTTP response code. Example: 401

description string

Example: "No session found!"

type string

Example: "UserException"

response object
Name Type Description
baseDomain string

Example: "localhost"

expiresIn number

Time span in milliseconds. Example: 30 * 60 * 1000 (for 30 minutes)

result boolean
serverTime number

Server time in seconds since the Unix Epoch. Example: 1506287788

  • object


Name Type Description
identifier string

Deprecated: User UUID, to be be used as loginHint for Identity#login

display_text string

Human-readable user identifier

client_name string

Client name

  • object


Name Type Description
encoding string

expected encoding of simplified login widget. Could be utf-8 (default), iso-8859-1 or iso-8859-15

  • object