
/* Copyright 2024 Schibsted Products & Technology AS. Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
 * See in the project root.

'use strict';

import { assert, isStr, isNonEmptyString, isObject, isUrl, isStrIn } from './validate.js';
import { cloneDeep } from './object.js';
import { urlMapper } from './url.js';
import { ENDPOINTS, NAMESPACE } from './config.js';
import EventEmitter from 'tiny-emitter';
import Cache from './cache.js';
import * as popup from './popup.js';
import RESTClient from './RESTClient.js';
import SDKError from './SDKError.js';
import * as spidTalk from './spidTalk.js';
import version from './version.js';

 * @typedef {object} LoginOptions
 * @property {string} state - An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between
 * the request and callback. It's also recommended to prevent CSRF {@link}
 * @property {string} [acrValues] - Authentication Context Class Reference Values. If
 * omitted, the user will be asked to authenticate using username+password.
 * For 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) possible values are `sms`, `otp` (one time password),
 * `password` (will force password confirmation, even if user is already logged in), `eid`. Those values might
 * be mixed as space-separated string. To make sure that user has authenticated with 2FA you need
 * to verify AMR (Authentication Methods References) claim in ID token.
 * Might also be used to ensure additional acr (sms, otp) for already logged in users.
 * Supported value is also 'otp-email' means one time password using email.
 * @property {string} [scope] - The OAuth scopes for the tokens. This is a list of
 * scopes, separated by space. If the list of scopes contains `openid`, the generated tokens
 * includes the id token which can be useful for getting information about the user. Omitting
 * scope is allowed, while `invalid_scope` is returned when the client asks for a scope you
 * aren’t allowed to request. {@link}
 * @property {string} [redirectUri] - Redirect uri that will receive the
 * code. Must exactly match a redirectUri from your client in self-service
 * @property {boolean} [preferPopup] - Should we try to open a popup window?
 * @property {string} [loginHint] - user email or UUID hint
 * @property {string} [tag] - Pulse tag
 * @property {string} [teaser] - Teaser slug. Teaser with given slug will be displayed
 * in place of default teaser
 * @property {number|string} [maxAge] - Specifies the allowable elapsed time in seconds since
 * the last time the End-User was actively authenticated. If last authentication time is more
 * than maxAge seconds in the past, re-authentication will be required. See the OpenID Connect
 * spec section for more information
 * @property {string} [locale] - Optional parameter to overwrite client locale setting.
 * New flows supports nb_NO, fi_FI, sv_SE, en_US
 * @property {boolean} [oneStepLogin] - display username and password on one screen
 * @property {string} [prompt] - String that specifies whether the Authorization Server prompts the
 * End-User for reauthentication or confirm account screen. Supported values: `select_account` or `login`
 * @typedef {object} SimplifiedLoginWidgetLoginOptions
 * @property {string|function(): (string|Promise<string>)} state - An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between
 * the request and callback. It's also recommended to prevent CSRF {@link}
 * @property {string} [acrValues] - Authentication Context Class Reference Values. If
 * omitted, the user will be asked to authenticate using username+password.
 * For 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) possible values are `sms`, `otp` (one time password) and
 * `password` (will force password confirmation, even if user is already logged in). Those values might
 * be mixed as space-separated string. To make sure that user has authenticated with 2FA you need
 * to verify AMR (Authentication Methods References) claim in ID token.
 * Might also be used to ensure additional acr (sms, otp) for already logged in users.
 * Supported value is also 'otp-email' means one time password using email.
 * @property {string} [scope] - The OAuth scopes for the tokens. This is a list of
 * scopes, separated by space. If the list of scopes contains `openid`, the generated tokens
 * includes the id token which can be useful for getting information about the user. Omitting
 * scope is allowed, while `invalid_scope` is returned when the client asks for a scope you
 * aren’t allowed to request. {@link}
 * @property {string} [redirectUri] - Redirect uri that will receive the
 * code. Must exactly match a redirectUri from your client in self-service
 * @property {boolean} [preferPopup] - Should we try to open a popup window?
 * @property {string} [loginHint] - user email or UUID hint
 * @property {string} [tag] - Pulse tag
 * @property {string} [teaser] - Teaser slug. Teaser with given slug will be displayed
 * in place of default teaser
 * @property {number|string} [maxAge] - Specifies the allowable elapsed time in seconds since
 * the last time the End-User was actively authenticated. If last authentication time is more
 * than maxAge seconds in the past, re-authentication will be required. See the OpenID Connect
 * spec section for more information
 * @property {string} [locale] - Optional parameter to overwrite client locale setting.
 * New flows supports nb_NO, fi_FI, sv_SE, en_US
 * @property {boolean} [oneStepLogin] - display username and password on one screen
 * @property {string} [prompt] - String that specifies whether the Authorization Server prompts the
 * End-User for reauthentication or confirm account screen. Supported values: `select_account` or `login`

 * @typedef {object} HasSessionSuccessResponse
 * @property {boolean} result - Is the user connected to the merchant? (it means that the merchant
 * id is in the list of merchants listed of this user in the database)? Example: false
 * @property {string} userStatus - Example: 'notConnected' or 'connected'. Deprecated, use
 * `Identity.isConnected()`
 * @property {string} baseDomain - Example: 'localhost'
 * @property {string} id - Example: '58eca10fdbb9f6df72c3368f'. Obsolete
 * @property {number} userId - Example: 37162
 * @property {string} uuid - Example: 'b3b23aa7-34f2-5d02-a10e-5a3455c6ab2c'
 * @property {string} sp_id - Example: 'eyJjbGllbnRfaWQ...'
 * @property {number} expiresIn - Example: 30 * 60 * 1000 (for 30 minutes)
 * @property {number} serverTime - Example: 1506285759
 * @property {string} sig - Example: 'NCdzXaz4ZRb7...' The sig parameter is a concatenation of an
 * HMAC SHA-256 signature string, a dot (.) and a base64url encoded JSON object (session).
 * {@link}
 * @property {string} displayName - (Only for connected users) Example: 'batman'
 * @property {string} givenName - (Only for connected users) Example: 'Bruce'
 * @property {string} familyName - (Only for connected users) Example: 'Wayne'
 * @property {string} gender - (Only for connected users) Example: 'male', 'female', 'undisclosed'
 * @property {string} photo - (Only for connected users) Example:
 * ''
 * @property {boolean} tracking - (Only for connected users)
 * @property {boolean} clientAgreementAccepted - (Only for connected users)
 * @property {boolean} defaultAgreementAccepted - (Only for connected users)
 * @property {string} pairId
 * @property {string} sdrn

 * Emitted when an error happens (useful for debugging)
 * @event Identity#error

 * @typedef {object} HasSessionFailureResponse
 * @property {object} error
 * @property {number} error.code - Typically an HTTP response code. Example: 401
 * @property {string} error.description - Example: "No session found!"
 * @property {string} error.type - Example: "UserException"
 * @property {object} response
 * @property {string} response.baseDomain - Example: "localhost"
 * @property {number} response.expiresIn - Time span in milliseconds. Example: 30 * 60 * 1000 (for 30 minutes)
 * @property {boolean} response.result
 * @property {number} response.serverTime - Server time in seconds since the Unix Epoch. Example: 1506287788

 * @typedef {object} SimplifiedLoginData
 * @property {string} identifier - Deprecated: User UUID, to be be used as `loginHint` for {@link Identity#login}
 * @property {string} display_text - Human-readable user identifier
 * @property {string} client_name - Client name

 * @typedef {object} SimplifiedLoginWidgetOptions
 * @property {string} encoding - expected encoding of simplified login widget. Could be utf-8 (default), iso-8859-1 or iso-8859-15

const HAS_SESSION_CACHE_KEY = 'hasSession-cache';
const SESSION_CALL_BLOCKED_CACHE_KEY = 'sessionCallBlocked-cache';
const SESSION_CALL_BLOCKED_TTL = 1000 * 60 * 5;

const TAB_ID_KEY = 'tab-id-cache';
const TAB_ID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000)
const TAB_ID_TTL = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;

const globalWindow = () => window;

 * Provides Identity functionalty to a web page
export class Identity extends EventEmitter {
     * @param {object} options
     * @param {string} options.clientId - Example: "1234567890abcdef12345678"
     * @param {string} options.sessionDomain - Example: ""
     * @param {string} options.redirectUri - Example: ""
     * @param {string} [options.env=PRE] - Schibsted account environment: `PRE`, `PRO`, `PRO_NO`, `PRO_FI` or `PRO_DK`
     * @param {function} [options.log] - A function that receives debug log information. If not set,
     * no logging will be done
     * @param {object} [options.window] - window object
     * @param {function} [options.callbackBeforeRedirect] - callback triggered before session refresh redirect happen
     * @throws {SDKError} - If any of options are invalid
        env = 'PRE',
        window = globalWindow(),
        callbackBeforeRedirect = ()=>{}
    }) {
        assert(isNonEmptyString(clientId), 'clientId parameter is required');
        assert(isObject(window), 'The reference to window is missing');
        assert(!redirectUri || isUrl(redirectUri), 'redirectUri parameter is invalid');
        assert(sessionDomain && isUrl(sessionDomain), 'sessionDomain parameter is not a valid URL');

        this._sessionInitiatedSent = false;
        this.window = window;
        this.clientId = clientId;
        this.sessionStorageCache = new Cache(() => this.window && this.window.sessionStorage);
        this.localStorageCache = new Cache(() => this.window && this.window.localStorage);
        this.redirectUri = redirectUri;
        this.env = env;
        this.log = log;
        this.callbackBeforeRedirect = callbackBeforeRedirect;
        this._sessionDomain = sessionDomain;

        // Internal hack: set to false to always refresh from hassession
        this._enableSessionCaching = true;

        // Old session
        this._session = {};



     * Read tabId from session storage
     * @returns {number}
     * @private
    _getTabId() {
        if (this._enableSessionCaching) {
            const tabId = this.sessionStorageCache.get(TAB_ID_KEY);
            if (!tabId) {
                this.sessionStorageCache.set(TAB_ID_KEY, TAB_ID, TAB_ID_TTL);
                return TAB_ID;

            return tabId;

     * Checks if getting session is blocked
     * @private
     * @returns {boolean|void}
        return this.localStorageCache.get(SESSION_CALL_BLOCKED_CACHE_KEY);

     * Block calls to get session
     * @private
     * @returns {void}
        const SESSION_CALL_BLOCKED = true;


     * Unblocks calls to get session
     * @private
     * @returns {void}

     * Set SPiD server URL
     * @private
     * @param {string} url - real URL or 'PRE' style key
     * @returns {void}
    _setSpidServerUrl(url) {
        assert(isStr(url), `url parameter is invalid: ${url}`);
        this._spid = new RESTClient({
            serverUrl: urlMapper(url, ENDPOINTS.SPiD),
            log: this.log,
            defaultParams: { client_id: this.clientId, redirect_uri: this.redirectUri },

     * Set OAuth server URL
     * @private
     * @param {string} url - real URL or 'PRE' style key
     * @returns {void}
    _setOauthServerUrl(url) {
        assert(isStr(url), `url parameter is invalid: ${url}`);
        this._oauthService = new RESTClient({
            serverUrl: urlMapper(url, ENDPOINTS.SPiD),
            log: this.log,
            defaultParams: { client_id: this.clientId, redirect_uri: this.redirectUri },

     * Set BFF server URL
     * @private
     * @param {string} url  - real URL or 'PRE' style key
     * @returns {void}
    _setBffServerUrl(url) {
        assert(isStr(url), `url parameter is invalid: ${url}`);
        this._bffService = new RESTClient({
            serverUrl: urlMapper(url, ENDPOINTS.BFF),
            log: this.log,
            defaultParams: { client_id: this.clientId, redirect_uri: this.redirectUri },

     * Set site-specific session-service domain
     * @private
     * @param {string} domain - real URL — (**not** 'PRE' style env key)
     * @returns {void}
    _setSessionServiceUrl(domain) {
        assert(isStr(domain), `domain parameter is invalid: ${domain}`);
        const client_sdrn = `sdrn:${NAMESPACE[this.env]}:client:${this.clientId}`;
        this._sessionService = new RESTClient({
            serverUrl: domain,
            log: this.log,
            defaultParams: { client_sdrn, redirect_uri: this.redirectUri, sdk_version: version },

     * Set global session-service server URL
     * @private
     * @param {string} url - real URL or 'PRE' style key
     * @returns {void}
    _setGlobalSessionServiceUrl(url) {
        assert(isStr(url), `url parameter is invalid: ${url}`);
        const client_sdrn = `sdrn:${NAMESPACE[this.env]}:client:${this.clientId}`;
        this._globalSessionService = new RESTClient({
            serverUrl: urlMapper(url, ENDPOINTS.SESSION_SERVICE),
            log: this.log,
            defaultParams: { client_sdrn, sdk_version: version },

     * Emits the relevant events based on the previous and new reply from hassession
     * @private
     * @param {object} previous
     * @param {object} current
     * @returns {void}
    _emitSessionEvent(previous, current) {
         * Emitted when the user is logged in (This happens as a result of calling
         * {@link Identity#hasSession}, so it is also emitted if the user was previously logged in)
         * @event Identity#login
        if (current.userId) {
            this.emit('login', current);
         * Emitted when the user logged out
         * @event Identity#logout
        if (previous.userId && !current.userId) {
            this.emit('logout', current);
         * Emitted when the user is changed. This happens as a result of calling
         * {@link Identity#hasSession}, and is emitted if there was a user both before and after
         * this invocation, and the userId has now changed
         * @event Identity#userChange
        if (previous.userId && current.userId && previous.userId !== current.userId) {
            this.emit('userChange', current);
        if (previous.userId || current.userId) {
             * Emitted when the session is changed. More accurately, this event is emitted if there
             * was a logged-in user either before or after {@link Identity#hasSession} was called.
             * In practice, this means the event is emitted a lot
             * @event Identity#sessionChange
            this.emit('sessionChange', current);
        } else {
             * Emitted when there is no logged-in user. More specifically, it means that there was
             * no logged-in user neither before nor after {@link Identity#hasSession} was called
             * @event Identity#notLoggedin
            this.emit('notLoggedin', current);
         * Emitted when the session is first created
         * @event Identity#sessionInit
        if (current.userId && !this._sessionInitiatedSent) {
            this._sessionInitiatedSent = true;
            this.emit('sessionInit', current);
         * Emitted when the user status changes. This happens as a result of calling
         * {@link Identity#hasSession}
         * @event Identity#statusChange
        if (previous.userStatus !== current.userStatus) {
            this.emit('statusChange', current);

     * Close this.popup if it exists and is open
     * @private
     * @returns {void}
    _closePopup() {
        if (this.popup) {
            if (!this.popup.closed) {
            this.popup = null;

     * Set the Varnish cookie (`SP_ID`) when hasSession() is called. Note that most browsers require
     * that you are on a "real domain" for this to work — so, **not** `localhost`
     * @param {object} [options]
     * @param {number} [options.expiresIn] Override this to set number of seconds before the varnish
     * cookie expires. The default is to use the same time that hasSession responses are cached for
     * @param {string} [options.domain] Override cookie domain. E.g. «» instead of «»
     * @returns {void}
    enableVarnishCookie(options) {
        let expiresIn = 0;
        let domain;
        if (Number.isInteger(options)) {
            expiresIn = options;
        else if (typeof options == 'object') {
            expiresIn = options.expiresIn || expiresIn;
            domain = options.domain || domain;

        assert(Number.isInteger(expiresIn), `'expiresIn' must be an integer`);
        assert(expiresIn >= 0, `'expiresIn' cannot be negative`);
        this.setVarnishCookie = true;
        this.varnishExpiresIn = expiresIn;
        this.varnishCookieDomain = domain;

     * Set the Varnish cookie if configured
     * @private
     * @param {HasSessionSuccessResponse} sessionData
     * @returns {void}
    _maybeSetVarnishCookie(sessionData) {
        if (!this.setVarnishCookie) {
        const date = new Date();
        const validExpires = this.varnishExpiresIn
            || typeof sessionData.expiresIn === 'number' && sessionData.expiresIn > 0;
        if (validExpires) {
            const expires = this.varnishExpiresIn || sessionData.expiresIn;
            date.setTime(date.getTime() + (expires * 1000));
        } else {

        // If the domain is missing or of the wrong type, we'll use document.domain
        let domain = this.varnishCookieDomain ||
            (typeof sessionData.baseDomain === 'string'
                ? sessionData.baseDomain
                : document.domain) ||

        const cookie = [
        ].join('; ');
        document.cookie = cookie;

     * Clear the Varnish cookie if configured
     * @private
     * @returns {void}
    _maybeClearVarnishCookie() {
        if (this.setVarnishCookie) {

     * Clear the Varnish cookie
     * @private
     * @returns {void}
    _clearVarnishCookie() {
        const baseDomain =  this._session && typeof this._session.baseDomain === 'string'
            ? this._session.baseDomain
            : document.domain;

        let domain = this.varnishCookieDomain ||
            baseDomain ||

        document.cookie = `SP_ID=nothing; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/; domain=.${domain}`;

     * Log used settings and version
     * @throws {SDKError} - If log method is not provided
     * @return {void}
    logSettings() {
        if (!this.log && !window.console) {
            throw new SDKError('You have to provide log method in constructor');

        const log = this.log || console.log;

        const settings = {
            clientId: this.clientId,
            redirectUri: this.redirectUri,
            env: this.env,
            sessionDomain: this._sessionDomain,
            sdkVersion: version

        log(`Schibsted account SDK for browsers settings: \n${JSON.stringify(settings, null, 2)}`);

     * @summary Queries the hassession endpoint and returns information about the status of the user
     * @description When we send a request to this endpoint, cookies sent along with the request
     * determines the status of the user.
     * @throws {SDKError} - If the call to the hasSession service fails in any way (this will happen
     * if, say, the user is not logged in)
     * @fires Identity#login
     * @fires Identity#logout
     * @fires Identity#userChange
     * @fires Identity#sessionChange
     * @fires Identity#notLoggedin
     * @fires Identity#sessionInit
     * @fires Identity#statusChange
     * @fires Identity#error
     * @return {Promise<HasSessionSuccessResponse|HasSessionFailureResponse>}
    hasSession() {
        const isSessionCallBlocked = this._isSessionCallBlocked()
        if (isSessionCallBlocked) {
            return this._session;

        if (this._hasSessionInProgress) {
            return this._hasSessionInProgress;

        const _postProcess = (sessionData) => {
            if (sessionData.error) {
                throw new SDKError('HasSession failed', sessionData.error);
            this._emitSessionEvent(this._session, sessionData);
            this._session = sessionData;
            return sessionData;

        const _checkRedirectionNeed = (sessionData={})=>{
            const sessionDataKeys = Object.keys(sessionData);

            return sessionDataKeys.length === 1 &&
                sessionDataKeys[0] === 'redirectURL';

        const _getSession = async () => {
            if (this._enableSessionCaching) {
                // Try to resolve from cache (it has a TTL)
                let cachedSession = this.sessionStorageCache.get(HAS_SESSION_CACHE_KEY);
                if (cachedSession) {
                    return _postProcess(cachedSession);
            let sessionData = null;
            try {
                sessionData = await this._sessionService.get('v2/session', {tabId: this._getTabId()});
            } catch (err) {
                if (err && err.code === 400 && this._enableSessionCaching) {
                    const expiresIn = 1000 * (err.expiresIn || 300);
                    this.sessionStorageCache.set(HAS_SESSION_CACHE_KEY, { error: err }, expiresIn);
                throw err;

            if (sessionData){
                // for expiring session and safari browser do full page redirect to gain new session

                    await this.callbackBeforeRedirect();

                    return this._sessionService.makeUrl(sessionData.redirectURL, {tabId: this._getTabId()});

                if (this._enableSessionCaching) {
                    const expiresIn = 1000 * (sessionData.expiresIn || 300);
                    this.sessionStorageCache.set(HAS_SESSION_CACHE_KEY, sessionData, expiresIn);

            return _postProcess(sessionData);
        this._hasSessionInProgress = _getSession()
                sessionData => {
                    this._hasSessionInProgress = false;

                    if (isUrl(sessionData)) {
                        return this.window.location.href = sessionData;

                    return sessionData;
                err => {
                    this.emit('error', err);
                    this._hasSessionInProgress = false;
                    throw new SDKError('HasSession failed', err);

        return this._hasSessionInProgress;

     * @async
     * @summary Allows the client app to check if the user is logged in to Schibsted account
     * @description This function calls {@link Identity#hasSession} internally and thus has the side
     * effect that it might perform an auto-login on the user
     * @return {Promise<boolean>}
    async isLoggedIn() {
        try {
            const data = await this.hasSession();
            return 'result' in data;
        } catch (_) {
            return false;

     * Removes the cached user session.
     * @returns {void}
    clearCachedUserSession() {

     * @async
     * @summary Allows the caller to check if the current user is connected to the client_id in
     * Schibsted account. Being connected means that the user has agreed for their account to be
     * used by your web app and have accepted the required terms
     * @description This function calls {@link Identity#hasSession} internally and thus has the side
     * effect that it might perform an auto-login on the user
     * @summary Check if the user is connected to the client_id
     * @return {Promise<boolean>}
    async isConnected() {
        try {
            const data = await this.hasSession();
            // if data is not an object, the promise will fail.
            // if the result is present, it's boolean. But if it's not, it should be assumed false.
            return !!data.result;
        } catch (_) {
            return false;

     * @async
     * @summary Returns information about the user
     * @description This function calls {@link Identity#hasSession} internally and thus has the side
     * effect that it might perform an auto-login on the user
     * @throws {SDKError} If the user isn't connected to the merchant
     * @throws {SDKError} If we couldn't get the user
     * @return {Promise<HasSessionSuccessResponse>}
    async getUser() {
        const user = await this.hasSession();
        if (!user.result) {
            throw new SDKError('The user is not connected to this merchant');
        return cloneDeep(user);

     * @async
     * @summary
     * In Schibsted account, there are multiple ways of identifying a user; the `userId`,
     * `uuid` and `externalId` used for identifying a user-merchant pair (see {@link Identity#getExternalId}).
     * There are reasons for them all to exist. The `userId` is a numeric identifier, but
     * since Schibsted account is deployed separately in Norway and Sweden, there are a lot of
     * duplicates. The `userId` was introduced early, so many sites still need to use them for
     * legacy reasons. The `uuid` is universally unique, and so — if we could disregard a lot of
     * Schibsted components depending on the numeric `userId` — it would be a good identifier to use
     * @description This function calls {@link Identity#hasSession} internally and thus has the side
     * effect that it might perform an auto-login on the user
     * @throws {SDKError} If the user isn't connected to the merchant
     * @return {Promise<string>} The `userId` field (not to be confused with the `uuid`)
    async getUserId() {
        const user = await this.hasSession();
        if (user.userId && user.result) {
            return user.userId;
        throw new SDKError('The user is not connected to this merchant');

     * @async
     * @function
     * @summary
     * Retrieves the external identifier (`externalId`) for the authenticated user.
     * In Schibsted Account there are multiple ways of identifying users, however for integrations with
     * third-parties it's recommended to use `externalId` as it does not disclose
     * any critical data whilst allowing for user identification.
     * `externalId` is merchant-scoped using a pairwise identifier (`pairId`),
     * meaning the same user's ID will differ between merchants.
     * Additionally, this identifier is bound to the external party provided as argument.
     * @param {string} externalParty
     * @param {string|null} optionalSuffix
     * @description This function calls {@link Identity#hasSession} internally and thus has the side
     * effect that it might perform an auto-login on the user
     * @throws {SDKError} If the `pairId` is missing in user session.
     * @throws {SDKError} If the `externalParty` is not defined
     * @return {Promise<string>} The merchant- and 3rd-party-specific `externalId`
    async getExternalId(externalParty, optionalSuffix = "") {
        const { pairId } = await this.hasSession();

        if (!pairId)
            throw new SDKError('pairId missing in user session!');

        if(!externalParty || externalParty.length === 0) {
            throw new SDKError('externalParty cannot be empty');
        const _toHexDigest = (hashBuffer) =>{
            // convert buffer to byte array
            const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
            // convert bytes to hex string
            return => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');

        const _getSha256Digest = (data) => {
            return crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', data);

        const _hashMessage = async (message) => {
            const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(message);
            return _getSha256Digest(msgUint8).then( (it) => _toHexDigest(it));

        const _constructMessage = (pairId, externalParty, optionalSuffix) => {
            return optionalSuffix
                ? `${pairId}:${externalParty}:${optionalSuffix}`
                : `${pairId}:${externalParty}`;

        return _hashMessage(_constructMessage(pairId, externalParty, optionalSuffix))

     * @async
     * @summary Enables brands to programmatically get the current the SDRN based on the user's session.
     * @description This function calls {@link Identity#hasSession} internally and thus has the side
     * effect that it might perform an auto-login on the user
     * @throws {SDKError} If the SDRN is missing in user session object.
     * @returns {Promise<string>}
    async getUserSDRN() {
        const { sdrn } = await this.hasSession();
        if (sdrn) {
            return sdrn;
        throw new SDKError('Failed to get SDRN from user session');

     * @async
     * @summary In Schibsted account, there are two ways of identifying a user; the `userId` and the
     * `uuid`. There are reasons for them both existing. The `userId` is a numeric identifier, but
     * since Schibsted account is deployed separately in Norway and Sweden, there are a lot of
     * duplicates. The `userId` was introduced early, so many sites still need to use them for
     * legacy reasons. The `uuid` is universally unique, and so — if we could disregard a lot of
     * Schibsted components depending on the numeric `userId` — it would be a good identifier to use
     * @description This function calls {@link Identity#hasSession} internally and thus has the side
     * effect that it might perform an auto-login on the user
     * @throws {SDKError} If the user isn't connected to the merchant
     * @return {Promise<string>} The `uuid` field (not to be confused with the `userId`)
    async getUserUuid() {
        const user = await this.hasSession();
        if (user.uuid && user.result) {
            return user.uuid;
        throw new SDKError('The user is not connected to this merchant');

     * @async
     * @summary Get basic information about any user currently logged-in to their Schibsted account
     * in this browser. Can be used to provide context in a continue-as prompt.
     * @description This function relies on the global Schibsted account user session cookie, which
     * is a third-party cookie and hence might be blocked by the browser (for example due to ITP in
     * Safari). So there's no guarantee any data is returned, even though a user is logged-in in
     * the current browser.
     * @return {Promise<SimplifiedLoginData|null>}
    async getUserContextData() {
        try {
            return await this._globalSessionService.get('user-context');
        } catch (_) {
            return null;
     * If a popup is desired, this function needs to be called in response to a user event (like
     * click or tap) in order to work correctly. Otherwise the popup will be blocked by the
     * browser's popup blockers and has to be explicitly authorized to be shown.
     * @summary Perform a login, either using a full-page redirect or a popup
     * @see
     * @param {LoginOptions} options
     * @param {string} options.state
     * @param {string} [options.acrValues]
     * @param {string} [options.scope=openid]
     * @param {string} [options.redirectUri]
     * @param {boolean} [options.preferPopup=false]
     * @param {string} [options.loginHint]
     * @param {string} [options.tag]
     * @param {string} [options.teaser]
     * @param {number|string} [options.maxAge]
     * @param {string} [options.locale]
     * @param {boolean} [options.oneStepLogin=false]
     * @param {string} [options.prompt=select_account]
     * @param {string} [options.xDomainId]
     * @return {Window|null} - Reference to popup window if created (or `null` otherwise)
        acrValues = '',
        scope = 'openid',
        redirectUri = this.redirectUri,
        preferPopup = false,
        loginHint = '',
        tag = '',
        teaser = '',
        maxAge = '',
        locale = '',
        oneStepLogin = false,
        prompt = 'select_account',
        xDomainId = ''
    }) {
        const url = this.loginUrl({

        if (preferPopup) {
            this.popup =
      , url, 'Schibsted account', { width: 360, height: 570 });
            if (this.popup) {
                return this.popup;
        this.window.location.href = url;
        return null;

     * @async
     * @summary Retrieve the sp_id (Varnish ID)
     * @description This function calls {@link Identity#hasSession} internally and thus has the side
     * effect that it might perform an auto-login on the user
     * @return {Promise<string|null>} - The sp_id string or null (if the server didn't return it)
    async getSpId() {
        try {
            const user = await this.hasSession();
            return user.sp_id || null;
        } catch (_) {
            return null;

     * @summary Logs the user out from the Identity platform
     * @param {string} redirectUri - Where to redirect the browser after logging out of Schibsted
     * account
     * @return {void}
    logout(redirectUri = this.redirectUri) {
        this.window.location.href = this.logoutUrl(redirectUri);

     * Generates the link to the new login page that'll be used in the popup or redirect flow
     * @param {LoginOptions} options
     * @param {string} options.state
     * @param {string} [options.acrValues]
     * @param {string} [options.scope=openid]
     * @param {string} [options.redirectUri]
     * @param {string} [options.loginHint]
     * @param {string} [options.tag]
     * @param {string} [options.teaser]
     * @param {number|string} [options.maxAge]
     * @param {string} [options.locale]
     * @param {boolean} [options.oneStepLogin=false]
     * @param {string} [options.prompt=select_account]
     * @return {string} - The url
        acrValues = '',
        scope = 'openid',
        redirectUri = this.redirectUri,
        loginHint = '',
        tag = '',
        teaser = '',
        maxAge = '',
        locale = '',
        oneStepLogin = false,
        prompt = 'select_account',
        xDomainId = ''
    }) {
        if (typeof arguments[0] !== 'object') {
            // backward compatibility
            state = arguments[0];
            acrValues = arguments[1];
            scope = arguments[2] || scope;
            redirectUri = arguments[3] || redirectUri;
            loginHint = arguments[4] || loginHint;
            tag = arguments[5] || tag;
            teaser = arguments[6] || teaser;
            maxAge = isNaN(arguments[7]) ? maxAge : arguments[7];
        const isValidAcrValue = (acrValue) => isStrIn(acrValue, ['password', 'otp', 'sms', 'eid-dk', 'eid-no', 'eid-se', 'eid-fi', 'eid'], true);
        assert(!acrValues || isStrIn(acrValues, ['', 'otp-email'], true) || acrValues.split(' ').every(isValidAcrValue),
            `The acrValues parameter is not acceptable: ${acrValues}`);
            `loginUrl(): redirectUri must be a valid url but is ${redirectUri}`);
            `the state parameter should be a non empty string but it is ${state}`);

        return this._oauthService.makeUrl('oauth/authorize', {
            response_type: 'code',
            redirect_uri: redirectUri,
            acr_values: acrValues,
            login_hint: loginHint,
            max_age: maxAge,
            one_step_login: oneStepLogin || '',
            prompt: acrValues ? '' : prompt,
            x_domain_id: xDomainId

     * The url for logging the user out
     * @param {string} [redirectUri=this.redirectUri]
     * @return {string} url
    logoutUrl(redirectUri = this.redirectUri) {
        assert(isUrl(redirectUri), `logoutUrl(): redirectUri is invalid`);
        const params = { redirect_uri: redirectUri };
        return this._sessionService.makeUrl('logout', params);

     * The account summary page url
     * @param {string} [redirectUri=this.redirectUri]
     * @return {string}
    accountUrl(redirectUri = this.redirectUri) {
        return this._spid.makeUrl('profile-pages', {
            response_type: 'code',
            redirect_uri: redirectUri

     * The phone editing page url
     * @param {string} [redirectUri=this.redirectUri]
     * @return {string}
    phonesUrl(redirectUri = this.redirectUri) {
        return this._spid.makeUrl('profile-pages/about-you/phone', {
            response_type: 'code',
            redirect_uri: redirectUri

     * Function responsible for loading and displaying simplified login widget. How often
     * widget will be display is up to you. Preferred way would be to show it once per user,
     * and store that info in localStorage. Widget will be display only if user is logged in to SSO.
     * @async
     * @param {SimplifiedLoginWidgetLoginOptions} loginParams - the same as `options` param for login function. Login will be called on user
     * continue action. `state` might be string or async function.
     * @param {SimplifiedLoginWidgetOptions} [options] - additional configuration of Simplified Login Widget
     * @fires Identity#simplifiedLoginOpened
     * @fires Identity#simplifiedLoginCancelled
     * @return {Promise<boolean|SDKError>} - will resolve to true if widget will be display. Otherwise, will throw SDKError
    async showSimplifiedLoginWidget(loginParams, options) {
        // getUserContextData doesn't throw exception
        const userData = await this.getUserContextData();

        const queryParams = { client_id: this.clientId };
        if (options && options.encoding) {
            queryParams.encoding = options.encoding;
        const widgetUrl = this._bffService.makeUrl('simplified-login-widget', queryParams, false);

        const prepareLoginParams = async (loginPrams) => {
            if (typeof loginPrams.state === 'function') {
                loginPrams.state = await loginPrams.state();

            return loginPrams;

        return new Promise(
            (resolve, reject) => {
                if (!userData || !userData.display_text || !userData.identifier) {
                    return reject(new SDKError('Missing user data'));

                const initialParams = {
                    displayText: userData.display_text,
                    env: this.env,
                    clientName: userData.client_name,
                    clientId: this.clientId,
                    providerId: userData.provider_id,
                    windowWidth: () => window.innerWidth,
                    windowOnResize: (f) => {
                        window.onresize = f;

                if (options && options.locale) {
                    initialParams.locale = options.locale;

                const loginHandler = async () => {
                    this.login(Object.assign(await prepareLoginParams(loginParams), {loginHint: userData.identifier}));

                const loginNotYouHandler = async () => {
                    this.login(Object.assign(await prepareLoginParams(loginParams), {loginHint: userData.identifier, prompt: 'login'}));

                const initHandler = () => {
                     * Emitted when the simplified login widget is displayed on the screen
                     * @event Identity#simplifiedLoginOpened

                const cancelLoginHandler = () => {
                     * Emitted when the user closes the simplified login widget
                     * @event Identity#simplifiedLoginCancelled

                if (window.openSimplifiedLoginWidget) {
                    window.openSimplifiedLoginWidget(initialParams, loginHandler, loginNotYouHandler, initHandler, cancelLoginHandler);
                    return resolve(true);

                const simplifiedLoginWidget = document.createElement("script");
                simplifiedLoginWidget.type = "text/javascript";
                simplifiedLoginWidget.src = widgetUrl;
                simplifiedLoginWidget.onload = () => {
                    window.openSimplifiedLoginWidget(initialParams, loginHandler, loginNotYouHandler, initHandler, cancelLoginHandler);
                simplifiedLoginWidget.onerror = () => {
                    reject(new SDKError('Error when loading simplified login widget content'));

export default Identity;