ui / com.schibsted.account.ui / AccountUi / Params / <init>


Params(teaserText: String? = DEFAULT_TEASER, preFilledIdentifier: String? = DEFAULT_PREFILLED_IDENTIFIER, smartLockMode: SmartlockMode = DEFAULT_SMARTLOCK_MODE, locale: Locale? = null, signUpMode: SignUpMode = DEFAULT_SIGNUP_MODE, isCancellable: Boolean = DEFAULT_IS_CANCELLABLE, showRememberMeOption: Boolean = DEFAULT_SHOW_REMEMBER_ME, @DrawableRes : Int = DEFAULT_CLIENT_LOGO, scopes: Array<String> = DEFAULT_SCOPES)


teaserText - A teaser text to show on the initial screen

preFilledIdentifier - If the user ID is known, the identifier can be pre-filled

smartLockMode - A mode used to allow or not the user to log in using smartlock

locale - the locale to use in the UI

signUpMode - A mode used to allow or not the user to sign-up using the UI

clientLogo - a logo to display on the first screen

scopes - scopes to send along with a network request

showRememberMeOption - If set to false the user will not see the remember me option in the UI Setting one of this value will take precedence over the one you could have defined in the manifest