ui / com.schibsted.account.ui.login.screen.term / TermsPresenter


class TermsPresenter : TermsContract.Presenter

Following the MVP design pattern this interface represent the implementation of the TermsContract.Presenter. this class executes the terms and condition business logic and ask for UI updates depending on results.



TermsPresenter(termsView: TermsContract.View, provider: InputProvider<Agreements>)

Following the MVP design pattern this interface represent the implementation of the TermsContract.Presenter. this class executes the terms and condition business logic and ask for UI updates depending on results.



fun acceptAgreements(): Unit

Accepts TC on backend side. Order a navigation to an other screen if request succeeded, show an error otherwise


fun acceptTerms(termsBox: CheckBoxView): Unit

Verify if given checkbox is checked. Calls acceptAgreements if true Shows errors if false