class UserService : BaseNetworkService
UserService(environment: String, okHttpClient: OkHttpClient) |
fun acceptUserAgreements(userId: String, userToken: TokenResponse): Call<ApiContainer<AcceptAgreementResponse>> |
fun createDeviceFingerprint(userToken: TokenResponse, deviceData: Map<String, String>): Call<ApiContainer<DeviceFingerprint>>
Create a device fingerprint for the user's current device. |
fun getMissingRequiredFields(userId: String, userToken: TokenResponse): Call<ApiContainer<RequiredFieldsResponse>> |
fun getProductAccess(userToken: TokenResponse, userId: String, productId: String): Call<ApiContainer<ProductAccess>>
Checks whether the user has access to the given product. |
fun getSubscriptions(userToken: TokenResponse, userId: String): Call<ListContainer<Subscription>> |
fun getUserAgreements(userId: String, userToken: TokenResponse): Call<ApiContainer<AgreementsResponse>> |
fun getUserProfile(userId: String, userToken: TokenResponse): Call<ApiContainer<ProfileData>>
Retrieves the user data from Schibsted account |
fun updateUserProfile(userId: String, userToken: TokenResponse, profileData: Map<String, Any>): Call<Unit>
Updates the user's profile data |
open fun <T : Any!> createService(service: Class<T>): T
Creates a service to perform network interactions against. |